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Median XL Bow Druid: A Unique and Powerful Class in Diablo 2


Founded by Fiacla-Géar, the brother of the ancient barbarian king Bul-Kathos, at the twilight of the nephalem era, the druid colleges were created to centralise and safeguard all knowledge of the powers of the earth and the wild.

Median Xl Bow Druid

Tur Dulra and the other druidic colleges teach that humanity should follow no one, neither angelic nor demonic, but should seek the power within themselves and nature. Although the teachings are based on the lore within the druidic holy book, the Scual Fada, allegedly written by Fiacla-Géar but mysteriously in many different scripts and unknown languages, few remember their true origin. Outsiders often look down upon druids as tree huggers, but perhaps they may turn out to be the only ones who are right...

Using the powers of nature, druids crafted many weapons out of untreated wood and stone to preserve the spirits within. To any outsider, the bows and staves are useless, being far too prone to breakage and not at all effective at channelling mana. When a druid wields such a weapon, however, their arrows mysteriously strike true over great distances and the very earth answers their call.

Although shapeshifting druids wield axes, maces, swords or daggers to symbolise the fists and spines of their wereform, the weapon is assimilated in the shapeshifting process, making the details of its design moot. For this reason, the druid circles rely on outside suppliers to provide them with these weapons.

After discovering his totem during his initiation ritual, a novice druid is likely to come across a dying specimen of the spirit animal in what would be an amazing coincidence if you believe in coincidence. If the animal approves of the druid, the druid ritually sacrifices the animal and consecrates the skin, enabling the animal spirit to guard the druid when he wears its furs or feathers.

Many druids have several totem animals. The most commonly seen animals are the wolf, hawk, falcon and ram. In the past, many druids attuned themselves to the feral spirits of the bear and direwolf, but this had undesirable side effects at full moon and often led to an early descent into madness or death by silver crossbow bolt.

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