In the night of August 4, 1789 the National Assembly suppressed all the privileges of the nobility and clergy. Three weeks later the Declaration of the Rights of Man Forógra ar Chearta an Duine was promulgated and later a constitutional regime based on popular suffrage was installed.
Liberte, Egalite, installe
A new-generation mobile camera (also known as ETM - mobile terrain equipment) is a device installed on an unmarked patrol car, driven by uniformed gendarmes or police officers. Its function is to photograph all speeding vehicles, with no visible flash and while driving.
Following the decision of the Ministre de l'Intérieur, on 15th February 2013, to return to consistency in speed camera signage, speed camera signs have been phased in to indicate fixed speed cameras. Information cameras previously installed upstream of fixed cameras and removed will be redeployed to danger areas not equipped with automatic cameras.
Thus the removal of information cameras placed upstream of existing cameras and their replacement by speed camera signs, begun in April 2013, is now complete. Information cameras in good working condition will be reinstalled in danger areas where there is no fixed camera.
Proclamée le 4 septembre 1870, deux jours après la défaite militaire de l'Empire à Sedan, la République s'installe dans des conditions difficiles. Encore en guerre contre l'Allemagne, au printemps 1871, elle réprime l'insurrection de la Commune de Paris. Son avenir est alors incertain, car la majorité monarchiste de l'Assemblée nationale prépare une nouvelle Restauration.
On November 8, 1942, in the thick of World War II, thousands of American soldiers landed on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, while others amassed in Algeria, only to take immediate gunfire from the French. Needless to say, it marked the end of U.S. diplomatic relations with the Vichy government installed in France during WWII. 2ff7e9595c