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Download The Merchant of Venice Translation PDF | Shakescleare


Merchant of Venice Translation PDF Download

Are you looking for a way to read one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays in modern English? Do you want to enjoy the witty dialogue, the dramatic plot, and the rich characters of The Merchant of Venice without struggling with the archaic language? If so, you might be interested in downloading a translation of The Merchant of Venice in PDF format. In this article, we will show you how to do that in two easy ways: using an online service or buying a printed or digital book.

merchant of venice translation pdf download


What is The Merchant of Venice about?

The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare that was written between 1596 and 1599. It is set in Venice and tells the story of a merchant named Antonio who borrows money from a Jewish moneylender named Shylock to help his friend Bassanio woo a rich heiress named Portia. Shylock agrees to lend the money on the condition that if Antonio fails to repay, he will forfeit a pound of his flesh. When Antonio's ships are lost at sea, Shylock demands his payment, but Portia, disguised as a lawyer, intervenes and saves Antonio.

Why read a translation of The Merchant of Venice?

The Merchant of Venice is a masterpiece of literature that explores themes such as justice, mercy, prejudice, love, and friendship. It contains some of Shakespeare's most memorable characters, such as the witty and clever Portia, the loyal and generous Bassanio, the vengeful and complex Shylock, and the comic and foolish Gratiano. It also features some of Shakespeare's most famous lines, such as "All that glisters is not gold," "The quality of mercy is not strained," and "If you prick us, do we not bleed?"

However, reading The Merchant of Venice in its original language can be challenging for modern readers. Shakespeare's English is very different from ours, and it can be hard to understand the meaning, the tone, and the humor of his words. Moreover, some of the words and expressions that Shakespeare used are no longer in use or have changed their meaning over time. For example, when Shylock says "I hate him for he is a Christian," he does not mean that he hates all Christians, but that he hates Antonio for being an enemy and a rival.

That is why reading a translation of The Merchant of Venice can be very helpful. A translation can make the play more accessible and enjoyable for modern readers by using simpler and clearer words, by explaining difficult or obscure references, and by adapting the style and the tone to suit the contemporary audience. A translation can also help you appreciate the beauty and the power of Shakespeare's language by showing you how he crafted his sentences, how he used rhetorical devices, and how he created his imagery.

How to download a translation of The Merchant of Venice

Option 1: Use an online service

One way to download a translation of The Merchant of Venice is to use an online service that provides free or paid access to PDF files of Shakespeare's plays in modern English. Here are some examples of such services:

Shakescleare by LitCharts

Shakescleare by LitCharts is a free online service that offers line-by-line translations of all Shakespeare's plays. You can read the original text and the modern text side by side, or you can download the entire translation as a printable PDF file.

<p is a platform where academics can share their research papers and books. You can find several translations of The Merchant of Venice by different authors and scholars on this website. Some of them are free to download, while others require a subscription or a payment.

No Sweat Shakespeare

No Sweat Shakespeare is a website that offers modern English translations of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets. You can read the translations online or buy them as PDF files, Kindle books, or paperback books. The translations are written in plain and simple language, with annotations and explanations.

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Option 2: Buy a printed or digital book

Another way to download a translation of The Merchant of Venice is to buy a printed or digital book that contains the translation. There are many books available that offer modern English versions of Shakespeare's plays, with different levels of fidelity, accuracy, and readability. Here are some examples of such books:

The Merchant of Venice (No Fear Shakespeare)

No Fear Shakespeare is a series of books that provides the complete text of Shakespeare's plays along with a line-by-line translation into modern English. The translation is faithful to the original, but uses contemporary language and idioms. The books also include an introduction, a plot summary, a character list, and illustrations.

The Merchant of Venice (Modern Library Classics)

Modern Library Classics is a series of books that features authoritative editions of classic works of literature, with introductions and notes by eminent scholars and critics. The Merchant of Venice in this series is translated by Kenneth McLeish, who preserves the rhythm and rhyme of Shakespeare's verse, but makes it more accessible and understandable for modern readers. The book also includes an introduction by Jonathan Bate, a glossary, and suggestions for further reading.

The Merchant of Venice (Folger Shakespeare Library)

Folger Shakespeare Library is a series of books that presents the original text of Shakespeare's plays, with modern spelling and punctuation, along with explanatory notes, scene summaries, and illustrations. The books also include essays on the historical and cultural context of the plays, as well as tips for reading and performing Shakespeare. The Merchant of Venice in this series is edited by Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine, who provide helpful commentary and insights on the play.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare that explores themes such as justice, mercy, prejudice, love, and friendship. It is a great work of literature that deserves to be read and enjoyed by modern readers. However, reading it in its original language can be difficult and confusing for some people. That is why downloading a translation of The Merchant of Venice in PDF format can be very useful. You can choose between two options: using an online service or buying a printed or digital book. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on your preferences and budget.

Call to action

If you are interested in downloading a translation of The Merchant of Venice in PDF format, we recommend you to check out the services and books that we have mentioned in this article. They are all reliable and reputable sources that offer high-quality translations of Shakespeare's play. You can compare them and see which one suits you best. We hope you will enjoy reading The Merchant of Venice in modern English and appreciate its beauty and power.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions that people have about downloading a translation of The Merchant of Venice in PDF format:

  • Is it legal to download a translation of The Merchant of Venice in PDF format?

It depends on the source and the license of the translation. Some translations are in the public domain or have a Creative Commons license that allows free distribution and use. Others are protected by copyright laws and require permission or payment from the author or publisher. You should always check the terms and conditions before downloading any translation.

  • Is it better to read The Merchant of Venice in its original language or in a translation?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people prefer to read The Merchant of Venice in its original language because they believe it preserves the authenticity and the beauty of Shakespeare's words. Others prefer to read it in a translation because they find it easier and more enjoyable to understand the meaning and the tone of the play. Ultimately, it depends on your personal preference and your level of familiarity with Shakespeare's language.

  • What are some other ways to enjoy The Merchant of Venice besides reading What are some other ways to enjoy The Merchant of Venice besides reading a translation?

Reading a translation is not the only way to enjoy The Merchant of Venice. You can also watch a film or a stage adaptation of the play, listen to an audiobook or a podcast, or join a discussion group or a book club. These are some of the ways that you can experience the play in different formats and perspectives, and learn more about its context and interpretation.

  • What are some of the challenges and controversies of translating The Merchant of Venice?

Translating The Merchant of Venice is not an easy task. It involves making many decisions and compromises about how to convey the meaning, the style, and the tone of Shakespeare's language in modern English. It also involves dealing with some of the sensitive and controversial issues that the play raises, such as anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, and homophobia. Different translators may have different approaches and opinions on how to handle these topics, and some may be more faithful or more creative than others.

  • How can I improve my understanding and appreciation of The Merchant of Venice?

One of the best ways to improve your understanding and appreciation of The Merchant of Venice is to read it multiple times, in different translations or versions, and with different sources of information and guidance. You can also compare and contrast it with other works by Shakespeare or by other authors, and see how it relates to its historical and cultural context. You can also explore your own reactions and opinions on the play, and share them with others.



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